In recitation of Gurmukhi, pronunciation and rhythm are all important, because the writing of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the sound current of saints who were in touch with the infinite truth. Guru Nanak, who wrote "Japji Sahib", changed the lives of thieves and murderers just with his presence and his songs
Slok Air is the guru, water is the father, the mother is the great earth. Earth plays among the days and nights, the male and female nurses. Every deed, good and bad, before the righteous judge is spoken. Some move closer to God and some farther away by actions taken. Those who work hard before leaving and on the Name keep their focus. Nanak, radiant are their faces, and they help many others. Order information Sent $14.99 is US dollars by check or money order to: Gurutej Kaur Khalsa 2310 N. 10th St. Apt. 2, Phoenix, AZ 85006 To pay on line with your credit card or Paypal click on the MC/Visa/Paypal symbol above. If you are new to Paypal click on the grey box after the page opens and there is a very short form to fill out. $14.99 includes world wide shipping |
It was after the tumult of the sixties, when I was looking for peace of mind and answers to life’ s questions, that I came to an ashram taught by students of Yogi Bhajan. It was there that I first heard of the Sikh Gurus and became familiar with the beautiful writings of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. I remember when I first read "Japji Sahib;" it was in Peace Lagoon, a translation by Sardarni Premka Kaur. I felt it was the most profound and beautiful writing I had ever read. Soon, I, along with others who came to love these prayers, we were reading in the Gurmukhi as originally written. This puts the mind directly in the sound current and vibration of Guru, the teacher. Guru Nanak first recited "Japji Sahib" after going into the river. His attendant saw Him go under the water and not come up. Three days later, in the midst of funeral preparations for him, he walked out of the river. When he emerged, he had an ethereal light in His eyes, and he spoke the beautiful poetry that is "Japji Sahib." How beautiful to say the words as he did at that moment! I came to write this translation in rhythm and rhyme to try to get a bit closer, in English, to the feeling of the rhyming poetry. "Japji Sahib" is meant to be sung, as is the entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib. This CD is a project Yogi Bhajan said I should "pursue" – a recording with each line, the Gurmukhi and the meaning, together in rhythm. I thank Dr. Onkar Singh for his beautiful voice and expertise in Gurmukhi pronunciation. |
Gurutej Kaur graduaded from the University Of California in Berkeley as an English major. She has been practicing Yoga and teaching since 1970. She has been a Minister of Sikh Dharma since 1972, and is a certified instructor of Kundalini Yoga.
Dr. Onkar Singh, a close personal friend of Yogi Bhajan, has been employed by Sikh Dharma as a teacher for the last 9 years. Dr. Onkar Singh is a well known Sikh scholar. His PHD is in religious sciences His melodous voice and pronunciation reflects his daily devotion and training
Copyright 2005 Gurutej Kaur Khalsa
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